69 Ways To Make Money If You’re Broke
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This post is all about ways to make money with no money.

Hey guys, we all know how hard it is to make money these days. We need money to travel, buy stuff we need, buy stuff what we want, everything. But it’s even harder to make money when you have nothing to start with. (Shout out to my fellow broke people out there!)
Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I was on the broke train for years and didn’t know how to make more money. I would keep checking my bank account only to see it getting smaller and smaller. I even had a job at one point so I was like how is that possible.
But we don’t have to live like that. There’s actually tons of ways to make more money even if you don’t have a job. I learned them and now my life is so much better. That’s why I made this post to go through 69 of the best ways to make money so you can have more money and never be broke again too! I hope you find all of these helpful and more!
This post shows you ways to make money without a job.
1. Sell your clothes online
You ever look around your room and see a bunch of clothes lying around? (Don’t lie lol we all can relate). Maybe stuff you don’t wear anymore. Stuff you no longer like. Stuff that doesn’t fit you. Instead of just letting that go to waste, why not give them to people who will actually appreciate them and make tons of money?
Yes, with sites like Poshmark, you can easily set up your own online store and be making tons of money fast selling them to people who actually want them. They make it so simple and you can do it all in 5 minutes.
And you might be thinking, why would anyone want my crusty old clothes? But trust me, there’s tons of people on there that do. I even go on there myself sometimes to get stuff that’s out of stock or stuff from stores no longer in business. This is def an easy way to make money that doesn’t cost anything.
Here are the best sites to sell your clothes online:
2. Transcribe audio with Rev
You ever hear really bad audio? Like so bad you can barely understand it. Yeah thats the worst. But if you can somehow understand what words they’re saying and be able to type it out, this could be a great way for you to make some easy money.
Basically Rev is this online transcription site where they pay you to watch random videos and transcribe what they’re saying in a script. Companies pay for this because it takes up so much time and it’s easier for them to pay a native english speaker to do it than to do it themselves.
And no its not gonna be like impossible audio that no one could ever interpret. Usually its super easy stuff, just time-consuming. But if you’re the type of person who just sits there all day watching videos anyway, why not make easy money for it?
3. Get paid for doing surveys
Honestly, everyone mentions this but it’s for a reason. You can make so much money answering quick questions that take no time to do. No it’s not a lot and no you won’t become rich from this. But if you just have a spare 5 minutes, why not answer a couple quick questions and become $5 richer?
And these survey questions aren’t hard either. It’s stuff anyone can answer. They just need people to answer them so they can make their products better or get insights about customer behavior. Like product research.
It takes virtually no time to do and you can even get it done with apps on your phone. That way whenever you have a free moment on the subway or the bus or waiting in line for something, you can be making enough money to pay for your ticket lol.
Here are the best sites to get paid for doing surveys:
4. Reviews websites with UserTesting
If you love giving your random opinion that no one asked for and think you have what it takes to make sites better, then you might wanna check out UserTesting. Basically its this site that lets you review random websites and apps, and make money from giving your opinion it or telling the developers what they can do to make it better.
And think about it. You probably do this anyway in the app reviews. Or just complaining about some random bug to your friends. Now, if you just take that criticism and advice and film a quick little 15 min video explaining that for the developer, you can easily make some sweet side income.
And I’m talking a couple hundred a month. So it’s def something worth checking out!
5. Participate in research studies with Prolific
If you’re in college, then you probably know what a research study is. Basically just little surveys that researchers ask you and then give them answers and it helps them do their research. I literally do these all the time in person, but did you know anyone can actually do this online and make money from it?
Yes, I’m not kidding. With sites like Prolific, you can literally go on, accept a research study from a place like Harvard, and answer a few quick questions. Trust me, these aren’t hard. It’s mostly behavior stuff so they can figure out how people think.
Then once you’re done, you click submit. And boom, you will see money added to your account. Just like that! And there’s no cash out limit either so you can easily just do one survey and have 5 dollars in your account that same day.
Personally I like to motivate myself by waiting til I reach a higher number like $50 so it’s worth it for me to cash out but you can do whatever you like. Bottom line, this is such a great way to make money that I think everyone should try. I made $110 dollars in one month from doing a few of these a day!
6. Do tasks for people with TaskRabbit or Craigslist
Are you great at doing tasks or running errands? If so, you might wanna check out sites like TaskRabbit or Craigslist where you can literally make easy money just doing favors for people. Yes, I know it sounds like a joke but trust me I’m not kidding lol.
Basically, you go on there and then you’ll see all these different listings for things people want done. Maybe stuff about proofreading a document. Sorting some files. Helping people with decorations. Literally just random tasks.
Then you just accept the offer for something you think you can handle and boom, you have an easy gig to make money. And it’s not like you have to pick something hard. You get to choose what you wanna do. If you have some free time but not a lot of money, this is def a quick way to make an easy buck.
7. Start a blog
Okay, of course, I had to put this one in here. But guys, trust me, its’s actually such a great way to make money. If you love writing a lot or making your opinions known, then starting your own blog might be a great hustle for you.
Yes, it’s not that simple just to write it. You have to pick a good topic that you have knowledge about and then write posts that other people can find value in. Oh and you def wanna make your site look pretty and professional so people will enjoy using it.
Running a blog isn’t for everyone. It’s a lot more work than you think. But if you stick with it and really put your heart into it, you can easily make tons of money and maybe replace your full-time job.
If you wanna learn more about starting a blog that makes good money, check out my post on starting a blog here. I go through everything so you can set up your blog easy and fast!
8. Resell your old junk on eBay
Wow, if you’re like me, you may have a bunch of junk lying around your room at times. Old stuff you never use. Broken devices that no longer work. You might even feel called out by this post haha. But instead of letting that turn you into a gross hoarder, why not resell to people on eBay and make decent money from it?
You’ve probably heard of eBay. (Honestly we’ve all heard of eBay). Basically just a site that lets you find cool items that people no longer want and resell your own stuff on there as well. And one of the best parts about selling your items on eBay is that you can do an auction.
With these auctions, you can have tons of people betting ridiculous money on one item and whoever bids the most ends up getting it. It’s so crazy, but suddenly you can have a shirt you paid $10 for selling for $100 because people were willing to bid that for it. How great is that!
Obviously, there’s no guarantees you’ll get THAT lucky lol but if you have old junk you can def turn that into straight cash reselling on eBay.
9. Ask questions on Quora
I don’t know if you’re heard of this site before, but basically you can ask questions and make money from it. I know, it probably sounds fake, but trust me, it’s real. If you’ve never heard of Quora, it’s kinda like the new age version of Yahoo Answers.
People go on there and ask random questions about random things. And other people (sometimes smarter) will go on there and answer their questions. But the site only functions if people use it to ask good questions, right? So to incentivize that, Quora is literally paying people in their partner program to ask questions that do well.
The catch though is that you have to be part of their partner program. But this isn’t hard. You just have to be an active user and then they will literally email you with an invite. I got in about a month. Then you choose your payment method (PayPal, etc), start asking questions, and boom, watch the money roll in.
And this is legit money guys. There are people on here making $5,000 dollars a MONTH.. from asking questions. Now, yes this isn’t the norm (most people don’t crack $100) but the fact that’s even a thing is crazy.
10. Record a song and post it on Spotify or Soundcloud
Do you love singing in the shower or coming up with your own cool beats? Even if your voice sucks lol, you can still make money from it posting it for people online. Yes, with sites like Soundcloud and Spotify, you can upload your own custom music and let other people stream it.
You might not have the best voice. (Trust me, I can relate). But we ALL know voice quality is not the end all be all of the music industry. We’ve all heard autotune artists that make so much money with every album even when they can’t even sing. Why? Cause it’s catchy and you can totally make something catchy!
No, there’s no guarantees you’re gonna blow up or anything, but wouldn’t it be better to make a FEW bucks posting your random singing and earning a few cents when people stream it instead of just keeping it to yourself? Idk, sounds like easy money to me.
11. Film your own course with Skillshare
If you have any kind of talent and love teaching people, then creating your own class on Skillshare could be an easy way for you to make good money. If you don’t know what Skillshare is, it’s basically this site where you can film your own class teaching people how to do something and earn money from it. (I’ve actually learned a lot watching other people’s classes on there).
You can make a course about pretty much anything. Getting more followers on instagram. Really anything that you’re good at that you can show other people how to do.
And we’re talking hella money every month just from people watching your course. Once you make the course and upload it, you don’t even have to touch it and you could be making $100 a day 6 months later from doing nothing. It’s that good!
I know people who only made a few courses and they already made enough that it could replace their full time job without even actively doing anything. The key obviously is putting the effort in upfront to make a good course that people find value in. But once you got that together, it’s really free money!
12. Become a virtual assistant
Okay, who doesn’t wanna have their own personal assistant? Someone to do those tasks you don’t wanna do. Sometimes to sort your paperwork or run those random errands. Sounds nice right? Well if you’re not rich enough to get your own personal assistant lol, you can actually make money being one for other people.
And these days its actually super easy to find clients. People need virtual assistants for all sorts of things. Imagine literally getting paid good money to sit at home in your pajamas and sort through a few documents when you have free time in your day. Thats being a virtual assistant!
No, it’s not gonna make you rich but if you want extra side money. Something to supplement your job when you have free time or just something to do in between classes, this could be a great option to try out.
You can usually find these gigs on sites like Fiverr or Upwork. Or really anywhere people list them. Honestly like I said, you should have no trouble finding a client cause people need them for everything. I might even be getting one myself at some point!
13. Sell your pictures as stock photos
I feel like we all take way too many pictures these days (at least I do lol). Random selfies in the bathroom, fun shots with our friends, elegant pics of our food. Well, instead of letting all those selfies go to waste clogging up your camera roll, why not sell them to stock photo websites like Shutterstock and make cool money from it?
Yes, it may sound a little bit weird. (*Cough* privacy *cough*). But think about it. A lot of times you’re posting that stuff for the world to see anyway. Public on instagram. Public on facebook. And even if it’s not selfies, that shot you took on vacation could still be used as a good stock photo.
People use stock photos for all sorts of things. Creating ad campaigns, illustrating posters, etc. And generally the best stock photos are the ones that look genuine and real. Not those artificial staged ones where it clearly screams STOCK PHOTO. That’s why they’re willing to pay you real money to get the rights to use your amateur pics.
This might not be for everyone but if you take 500 selfies a day, why not make some money selling some of them?
14. Do little micro tasks on Amazon MTurk
If you love the idea of doing cool little quick tasks and then earning money from it, then you will probably love using Amazon MTurk. It’s basically this site that gives you a bunch of mini tasks. Stuff like identifying objects, drag-and drop quizzes, etc.
Obviously you’re not gonna get rich doing this when they pay you like a few cents for each one. But if you’re looking to make easy spare change or some beer money, this is totally a great option to try. Oh and the top earners make $600-1200 a month so you can def earn some decent money.
15. Create your own course on Teachable
I know I was just talking about making a course on Skillshare but if you’re talent is more long-form or in-depth, then you might wanna try out Teachable instead. Teachable is basically a different site where you can create your own course to teach people stuff.
Typically people make courses about all sorts of things. Maybe you wanna teach people how to knit. Or how to do excel cause you’re really good at it. Or you love drawing so you wanna show people how to draw. Really it can be anything you’re good at.
Then you make your course, add a bunch of lessons. Maybe throw in some worksheets so people can track their progress. And boom, prepare to make good consistent money if you market it correctly. And that’s really the key. Teachable makes it super easy to set up the course but its kinda up to you to make people wanna buy it.
Unlike Skillshare which is based more on streams, this is something people would have to actually buy. Which also means your potential to get rich off it is a lot higher as well. To give you an idea, there are people making tens of THOUSANDS of dollars a month just from one Teachable course. It’s def worth trying out!
16. Play video games on Twitch
I don’t know about you but I love playing video games sometimes. Games like Mario Kart with my siblings or matches with friends are such a good time. Yes, you could just do this all by yourself but did you know you can actually make tons of money streaming it for other people?
Yes, on sites like Twitch, you can literally play video games all day and make money from other people watching you do it. It sounds so insane but this is quickly becoming a very lucrative online career. There are some people on here making 7 figures just from playing video games!
Obviously the key here is being interesting enough that people even care to watch you play. But it’s not as hard as you think. You really just have to be yourself and I promise you someone will wanna watch. Then you can also get extra money when people subscribe to you ($5.00/mo PER sub!)
Imagine if you have just 30,000 subs paying $5.00 a month and then you add in the advertising money when people watch your ads in between streams… yeah you can easily see how people become millionaires on here.
17. Make your own youtube channel
Honesty everyone and their mama knows about youtube these days. We watch youtube all the time for pretty much everything. And I’m sure you’ve heard people suggest becoming a youtuber before, but guys trust me, they say that for a reason!
Making youtube videos is not hard. You really don’t even have to edit much if you don’t want to. And you can make videos about anything. Maybe your passion is makeup, become a beauty guru. Maybe you love fashion, create content around style. Or maybe you like new tech, so make videos on tech reviews!
You can literally do anything on youtube and its such a great community. I would even suggest doing it just to see the comments. But like I said, you can make tons of money doing this. And you dont even have to have a trillion subs. There are people with less than 100,000 subs that make enough for it to be their full time job.
So even if you’re not aiming to get millions of subs, making helpful youtube videos is def still a great side hustle to make tons of money over time.
18. Sell cute crafts on Etsy
If you’re a creative person that loves making cute little handmade items, then making stuff to sell on Etsy might be a great side hustle for you. I mean, let’s be real. We all loved making cool arts and crafts as kids. Paper airplanes, little wood creations, edible bracelets. As an adult, you can actually make decent money selling things like that to people online.
Etsy is really the perfect place to find custom handmade items like that and thats why its so great to shop on there as well, not just sell. It’s perfect for if you’re decorating a new home and you want that homey-touch. Or if just want something with some character or uniqueness. You can find so much on there.
But of course, like I said, it’s great for selling too! People will buy almost anything. You just need to be creative and put your heart in it. You can make cute little handmade necklaces, or awesome designs, or even inspirational printables. Etsy is such a good place to make a cute online boutique!
19. Design custom t-shirts with Teespring
This is another great option that I think is good if you have a really creative energy and love making custom items. We all loved making cool tie-dye shirts as kids, right? And who didn’t grow up wanting to have their own clothing line? With sites like Teespring, you can literally make money selling your custom t-shirts online.
Yes, it sounds too good to be true. But they make it so easy for you to set up. You just sign up, make your online store, and then you can start designing hat you want the shirts to look like. Get creative with it. Make designs that people just have to buy!
Then you simply wait and watch people start flocking in and purchasing your unique t-shirt designs for themselves. And you might be wondering how much you can actually make on here. But believe it or not, there are people that make thousands a MONTH just from one t-shirt! Kinda insane.
20. Sell your artwork on Redbubble or DeviantArt
Do you ever spend time making random cool drawings? Or what about those old sketches you made as a kid that you forgot about? Instead of just keeping that secret in your drawing journal, you can actually make hella money selling it to people online.
Yep, with sites like Redbubble or DeviantArt, they let you easily sell your artwork to people who admire it. Stuff like designs for coffee-mugs. Or cool sketches they can wear as a t-shirt. Or even straight up paintings. Basically people out there will pay for your art and these sites make it easy for you to reach them.
You might not even have realized that your art was worth selling. But it’s legit. Some people on here have been known to make $500-1000 a month so def worth the try!
21. Rent your friendship for a day with RentAFriend
Yes, this sounds ridiculous but trust me, it’s legit. You can actually make decent money renting out your friendship to people with apps like RentAFriend. You simply sign up, set your rates, and people can pay to have you be their friend for an hour.
You might be thinking how sad people have to be actually do this. (Especially with you). But there are tons of lonely people out there. People who literally don’t have time to make friends or just don’t know how to make friends. Sad as it is, it’s easier for them to just pay people to be their friend.
And that’s where you come in! If you’re super friendly and get a lot of “clients”, you can be making sweet money fast just scheduling little “friend dates” a few times a week. How sweet is that lol!
22. Make bets on PredictIt
Do you ever just love betting it all in casinos? Maybe risky bets with your friends? No? Okay maybe you’re better smarter than me lol. But anyway, you can def make tons of quick money making smart bets online for trending topics.
With sites like PredictIt, you can see a whole bunch of stuff people are currently betting money on. Stuff on politics, entertainment, sports. Really anything. Then you can choose one of the top bets and take your pick for what you think the outcome will be. If you’re successful, boom you just made a whole lotta easy money.
Obviously, the key for this is getting in early before the price sets in. Basically right when you think there’s something people will be betting money on, go on and bet first. But other than that, its using your good judgement.
Of course, with some like this, there’s no guarantees you’ll make money (you might even lose money). But there’s that potential if you’re right to make TONS of money super fast!
23. Get paid for your memes on PicturePunches
If you’re like me and you come up with a ton of cool memes everyday, then this would maybe be a great hustle for you to check out. Honestly, I love just looking at memes but the rise of gifs, it easy to get creative and start making your own funny ones lol.
If you think you have what it takes and have a particular funny one, you can post it on PicturePunches (a site that will PAY you to post good memes) and make sweet money from it. Yes, it sounds too good to be true but it’s actually real!
If you’re super funny, you can start making a ton of easy cash. No it’s not gonna make you rich. Think $5 a meme. But if you just need some extra side money, this might be the way to go.
24. Self publish an Ebook on Kindle
Have you ever thought about writing your own book? Getting published? Becoming an author? Yep, sounds pretty amazing. Well believe it or not, you can do that all by yourself without getting a publisher, by self-publishing an ebook on Kindle.
And you might be intimidated just thinking about writing your own book but this doesn’t have to be some long drama. It could be a short story. A mini series. A self-help book. Literally anything. Just write something that you yourself would want to read.
A lot of the stuff that’s selling really well right now are romance novels because obviously who doesn’t just wanna escape into a book where your love life is suddenly perfect (I relate too hard to this lol). But like I said, you can write about anything.
And once its published and people start buying, you can expect to get a nice decent paycheck every month without ever doing anything else as people buy it! Totally something more people should try.
25. Start your own podcast
If you’re a talker and you love just getting your thoughts out or having deep conversations with friends, then you might love creating your own podcast. Yeah it sounds kinda hard but its honestly super easy to set up your podcast these days.
Really you just need a main topic that your podcast is based around, some mics, a few guests (aka your friends), and boom your ready to start recording episodes. If you post it on sites like Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you’ll make money from ads when people stream. And then of course you make money from brand sponsorships as you start getting more listeners.
It may sound a bit overwhelming or you may just think you’re interesting enough to listen to for 30 minutes. But trust me thats not true. There’s someone out there who would absolutely listening to you rant or have a cool conversation for an hour in a podcast. You might have some cool advice! Def try this.
26. Become a mystery shopper
I literally shop at so many stores all the time. Random new brands that people tell me about. Or just interesting ones I see when I go to the mall. Instead of aimlessly wandering around to any store you happen to bump into, did you know you can actually make money as a secret shopper for certain stores?
Yep, pretty sneaky. But honestly, it’s cool. Mystery shopping is basically when companies pay people to shop at their stores so they can figure out buying habits and learn more about the customer experience. It makes total sense why they’d pay you cause they wanna learn how to improve their stores but wow.
So yeah, you basically join certain sites set up for mystery shopping and they will show you different “assignments” where they need you to go mystery shop. It can be kinda fun being all secret and covert like that (almost like a spy lol). And if you love shopping anyway, this is a great way to justify your addiction! You can expect to make a few hundred a month doing this.
Here are the best sites to become a mystery shopper:
27. Translate documents (for bilingual people)
If you speak multiple languages and can read/write in them, then translating documents might be a cool side hustle for you. It sounds kinda simple but honestly people need translators for everything. Business stuff, creative projects, etc. Yeah they could use Google Translate but it will sound way more natural if a native speaker does it.
And thats where you come in. With sites like , you just choose which document you wanna translate, write up your translation, and boom make an easy check from it. Obviously for people who are bad at languages, you can’t do this. But for people who grew bilingual, this should be a piece of cake.
Yeah some documents might be long and boring. But so are classroom textbooks. And we read those right? Better to make some decent money with a quick translation than sitting at home broke doing nothing.
Here are the best sites to make money translating documents:
28. Create a Go-Fund Me or Kickstarter campaign
Everyone knows what Go-Fund Me is. Basically like the go-to site for any type of donation campaign or online fundraiser these days. People set up stuff all the time to raise money for community awareness, funeral expenses, etc. It’s super useful to earn money but it also feels good to give back too!
And yeah obviously, you can’t just post anything on there and expect to make money. Don’t make a Go-Fund Me to buy this shirt you really want and expect people to give up their hard earned money for you lol. Not only is that a long shot but thats also shady as well.
But if you have something real that people might actually care to contribute to, Go-Fund Me is a def a great place to raise funds without doing much.
On the other hand, you can also try doing a Kickstarter campaign. Kickstarter is mainly more known for business ventures, where people will donate to help people bring to life a business idea. If this is what you’re looking to raise money for, def check this out instead.
But regardless if you trying to get money for a good cause, these are two great sites you can use to earn that money quick and fast! Lots of generous people out there. Don’t abuse it!
29. Offer your graphic design skills with Fiverr
If you happen to be good at making design illustrations or know how to make cool graphics, then you could def turn that into a good side hustle with Fiverr. And you don’t have to be the best person ever either. Just decent enough that people can hire you for it and you can make them satisfied.
With sites like Fiverr, you can find tons of little gigs people are offering up. Stuff like asking for someone to design their company logo. Or creating the look of their video thumbnails. Or whatever. There’s tons of graphic design jobs (and all sorts of other stuff) on there.
Then you just accept one you like, put your best effort into it, and boom get paid a nice fee for your services. You don’t have to work for anybody. You can do it all in your free time as a nice freelance side hustle.
Imagine how much money you can make charging a couple hundred per client with like 20 clients on here… yeah you can def make tons of money on here if you play it smart!
30. Make money freelance writing
Honestly I love just writing a bunch of stuff all the time. Random long youtube comments. Random long thoughts in my journal. Occasional essays in school. Long twitter rants. I mean, come on, we write tons of stuff every day that we don’t even think about. Instead of just doing that for free, doesn’t it make way more sense to turn those words into cash?
Well, if you freelance write on sites like Medium, you can literally make decent money just from writing interesting articles that other people find interesting. Topics like personal development, your experience with a popular topic, unique insights. Honestly anything.
Just write something that other people wanna read. Which is easy if you think about what YOU wanna read. Make some long post like you would in a youtube comment section or long instagram caption. Proofread then post.
If your posts are good enough and get decent clicks, you can expect to make some serious cash monthly. And I’m talking $5,000 a MONTH! Medium in particular makes it super easy to freelance write and make money. But you can reach out to publishers specifically and offer to write a post for them.
31. Code websites for people with Upwork
Do you ever think about learning how to code? Or maybe you’re just good at making websites already. Either way you can def take this skill to the bank outside of a job by coding websites for people on sites like Upwork.
Basically Upwork is where people go to find freelancers for all sorts of different things. One of the most popular things people are requesting is people to create a nice website for them. Maybe its brand that needs to establish an online presence. A college club that needs to look official. Could be anything.
But you just go on there and accept a job you like, for a fee you approve of, make their website look nice and pretty, and boom, you just made HELLA side income. Yeah, it might sound simple but you could be making $4,000 extra money per month with just a few clients!
32. Start drop shipping with Shopify
This could be a great way to make money if you’ve ever thought about getting creative with marketing and selling custom products to people. Basically if you don’t know, drop shipping is where you buy a generic product from a wholesaler and then resell it with your own custom branding for a higher price. And sites like Shopify make it easy for you to set up your own online store and do this easy and fast!
Yeah it can be a little but of a set up process at first to choose which products you’re gonna sell and figure out the marketing you’re gonna choose. But there’s a lot of videos out there on this to help you through it. Really though its simple when you think about it.
Once you got that set up with your store on Shopify, then you just sit back and wait for the sales to come in. A lot of times you don’t even have to pay upfront for inventory until people purchase the product. Might sound crazy but people are out here making 6 figures a MONTH from this!
33. Get paid to play games on your phone
I don’t know about you but I’m guilty of spending tons of time playing random games on my phone. It used to be really bad during the era of Flappy Bird and most recently with Among Us. But honestly, what if I told you there was a way that you could make money doing this?
Yep, with apps like Swagbucks LIVE, you can actually make money just playing games on your phone. No, they might not be as good as Angry Birds, Candy Crush, or whatever else you play. But how cool would it be to be sitting in the airport and playing a game knowing you’re making money from it.
Again, these games are NOT the best. (Why do you think they have to pay you to play them lol?) But easy money is easy money. And this is def something to try.
Here are the best apps that will PAY you to play them:
34. Become an instagram model & promote sponsored brands
Okay, this sounds super cheesy and unrealistic, but believe it or not, these days almost anyone can start trying to do this. You don’t even have to be super famous or particularly good looking. (As you might have noticed). All they really look for now is some decent editing and some engaged followers.
And we’re not talking thousands and thousands of followers. Just a few thousand which you can easily get if you’re semi popular at school (particularly once you go to college and you join a sorority or whatever). As long as they like a number of your pics regularly, you’ll probably see brands reaching out left and right.
I see it all the time in my friends’ comment section and they’re not even famous! You can even reach out to them yourself and offer to wear their clothes on your feed. Typical people doing this can make a few hundred to a few thousand a month doing this.
35. Sell custom products with Amazon FBA
You have an idea for a cool product that could sell really if people knew about it or something you think people would use a lot? Well, maybe you might wanna try setting up an Amazon FBA store and giving it a try.
Everyone knows Amazon. But basically Amazon FBA is a service they offer for people to sell their own custom products on there while Amazon handles all the customer service/shipping aspects of it. All you have to do is provide the product.
And there’s all sorts of products you could think about selling. Beauty products. House items. Accessories. Just get creative and think of something you would use yourself. Then create the product and set up your Amazon FBA store.
There are some people on here making hella money per month from just repeat customers who love the product. If you have some good product ideas, this could def be a serious money maker for you.
36. Write fanfiction stories with Wattpad
Are you one of those people who loves writing fan fiction all the time. Even if it’s just in your head. (Trust me, I won’t judge lol). Well if you put those ideas to paper, get over your embarrassment, and post them on a platform like Wattpad, you could be making some serious cash from it.
It sounds kinda ridiculous but we all know we love to read fan fiction from time to time. Whether it’s a favorite band you’re obsessed with and you wanna escape into a world where you get to date them. Or a story whose characters you were obsessed with and you wanna imagine how it continues.
Whatever it is, you can def dive in yourself with your fanfiction ideas and start getting loyal readers who enjoy it. You can make money whenever people buy it (if you dont make it for free) or more commonly you can make money with ads throughout the story.
It may sound a little embarrassing, but this is a def side hustle with some money potential.
37. Get cashback when you shop with Ibotta
If you shop a lot (especially for groceries) and like the idea of getting cashback just for buying stuff, then you should def check out Ibotta. Ibotta is basically a site that will pay you real money just to buy stuff that you would normally get anyway. Sounds pretty crazy but its true.
Literally how it works is you just buy the item in person, take a pic of your receipt, upload it to the app, and boom they will pay you for it. They have some online options too where they will pay you for online shopping but it’s mostly for in-person purchases.
Again, this isn’t gonna be like insane money but just the idea of earning money for buying stuff you were gonna buy anyway is def something cool to look into.
38. Have people support you on Patreon
I bet you’ve heard of Patreon at this point. It seems like everyone is telling people to subscribe to their Patreon these days. Especially creators. But average people can actually set up their own Patreon too and make money if people wanna subscribe to it.
Yeah, your chances of making huge money doing this if you’re not known are kinda small. But if you have really loyal friends or can market yourself to show off exclusive content they can’t see anywhere else, you can def make money from a few loyal subs.
Who knows, maybe your sweet old grandma will subscribe to your Patreon and basically just fund your happiness for access to some “exclusive” photos of you smiling haha.
39. Sell your home videos to media companies w/ Rumble
Do you have a lot of home videos that are funny and you think people would enjoy watching? If so, you might be able to sell them on sites like Rumble and make decent money giving the rights to media companies to use them.
Basically Rumble is this site that works with media companies to give them “viral” content to make articles and report on. They make money getting to report on viral videos and sharing them and you make money from selling them those videos. It’s pretty simple when you think about it.
Now obviously not every video you submit they’re gonna be interested in. (No one’s gonna want your home video if you singing on the toilet). But if you have a funny moment that you think has the potential to go viral or is super relatable, def think about it posting it on Rumble for a nice buck.
40. Create your own video game & charge people to play it (Roblox)
Have you ever thought about designing your own video game and having people actually play it? Well if that sounds cool to you, you can actually try creating your own with Roblox and make real money from people buying stuff in it.
It’s pretty simple and these days Roblox is super popular. But basically you just create your own video game in their interface. You don’t even have to know how to code. Add in some props and then boom publish.
Obviously make your game fun. Play it a few times so you know people would like to play it. It needs to be challenging enough but not too hard that people dont wanna play it. And then of course add it in prizes and bonuses have to pay for. That’s your real money maker.
Yeah it sounds like a lot. Just the idea of creating your own video game. But it’s actually way easier than you think and you make tons of money doing this.
41. Get paid for sponsored tweets
I was someone who always used to tweet a lot. Random stuff about pretty much everything. At pretty much any time of day. I would do it like an addict. Literally one of those people who tweets that they’re tweeting about doing something. But imagine that not being a waste of time and actually being able to make money from it.
Yeah, with sites like Sponsored Tweets, you can actually make money from posting tweets. Of course these aren’t normal tweets. These are paid ads from brands that want more exposure. But they choose people who have a decent following and pay them to send out tweets.
No, this isn’t like crazy money (unless you’re a celebrity) but people have been known to make a hundred a month. Personally I made like $50 but I barely tried so that’s saying something. If you’re just gonna tweet anyway, you might as well make money from it right?
42. Answer questions as an expert
Do you feel like you’re super smart and have the answer to everything? Okay, maybe you just know a lot. Either way you can def make money helping to answer other people’s questions as an expert with sites like JustAnswer.
Basically, JustAnswer is a site that will pay you money to go on and answer other people’s questions as an “expert” in your particular field. Maybe you work with kids you can answer stuff about teaching. Or maybe you work with food, so you can answer stuff about that. Literally just something you have real knowledge in.
No, not everyone can do this obviously cause they want “experts” but really like I said, that could be anything. And you can make decent money doing this once approved. Think a couple hundred a month.
43. Sell your unused coupons
Ever look around your house and see a bunch of unused coupons everywhere? Yeah they tend to pile up. That coupon you meant to use of that one event you never ended up going too. Random coupons for stores that you forgot to use. Anyway, instead of letting that add more junk to your desk, you can sell them on eBay and good money for it.
Yep, they don’t even have to be good coupons. Really anything and guarantee there will at least be that one person who wants to buy it. There’s a whole marketplace on there directly just for selling coupons. I didn’t even know about it before.
You just list your coupon, wait for someone to buy it, and boom, your desk is less cluttered and you made a nice little check.
44. Start an OnlyFans
If you’re desperate to make money and don’t have a job, then obviously you can turn to OnlyFans lol. But no, honestly this is quickly becoming an easy way to make money for a lot of people. In fact, people are actually becoming rich off of this. Just posting risqué pics that some people are willing to pay for monthly.
If you think that’s you and you don’t mind the shame, then def try out OnlyFans. Top earners on here are making $1,000,000 a year so there’s def hella money to be made. But I can’t really recommend this in good faith just cause the nature of it.
Of course, you don’t have to actually show everything if you don’t want to. There are people making good money just from posting feet pics or hands. HANDS. Imagine posting a pic of your hands and making a cool $100. Yeah OnlyFans is crazy but desperate times call for desperate measures right lol?
45. Tutor other students in college (on campus or online)
Okay if you’re in college, then you know how everyone is always stressing out over exams and lectures all the time. (Especially when you don’t study or you can’t understand what the professor is saying lol). Yeah you can just let everyone fail but if you happen to be good in the class, you can def make some good money tutoring other students.
And this doesn’t have to be like a full on lecture either. You can schedule little study sessions where you basically go over their homework. And then try to work out what it is they don’t understand. Just explain it to them like how it makes sense to you. Honestly you may think its a waste of time but its actually so effective.
Oh and you can make good money doing this. Imagine making an extra 100 a month just from helping people with their homework!
46. Sell your textbooks
This is another thing that obvious but a lot of people aren’t doing. Think about how expensive those college textbooks can be. Like honestly its ridiculous how you use them for MAYBE 6 months but have to pay $200 of your life for them. It’s so insane.
Well instead of letting your school rob your bank account in the name of education, it might be a good idea to try selling your textbooks at the end of the semester lol. And trust me, there’s always people willing to buy them. Whether its your school bookstore, online resellers, or even just some kid down the street, you can def sell your textbooks and get your money back.
47. Help foreign students learn english
Who else grew up loving to play “school” as a kid? Where you’d literally get your siblings together and then pretend to be a teacher teaching them? Yeah that was so fun for me growing up lol. Well, believe it or not, you can actually make money from this today by helping foreign students to learn english.
Yep, it seems a little bit random but everyone knows English is a pretty dominant language and there are A LOT of foreign children around the world trying to learn english to get ahead. If you happen to be a native English speaker (and most of y’all are), you can actually make hella money teaching them english.
And I know what you’re thinking. It sounds hard. But trust me it’s not. It’s literally you just going to some website and then setting up a zoom call to try and teach them different words and talk to them in English. Really easy! And you can make several hundred a month doing this.
Here are the best sites to make money teaching kids english:
48. Sell your class notes or make custom study guides
Wow so if you’re good at taking notes or you just love paying attention in class, this will be right up your alley. A lot of times with college lectures, the professors can be so boring or its hard to understand them. Lots of people have trouble taking good notes and just give up.
And then also everyone knows its not like high school where you have to keep perfect attendance. Most classes you can show up when you want and just have to come for exams. So it’s obvious that people would pay hella money just to get clear, easy-to-follow class notes.
Sure you can let these people fend for themselves for not putting the effort in OR you can offer to sell them YOUR class notes and make some quick money! Like I said, there’s a lot of people who need good notes so don’t think it’d be hard to do.
Plus my school even had official job postings for this where staff was hiring good students to take notes for special-needs kids. So there’s def traditional jobs like it out there too. Basically you just need to make your notes simple, pretty, and neat, and people will totally want them.
49. Become a part-time TA or RA
If you’re good at that dorm life and think you can handle bossing residents around, you might wanna try signing up to be an RA. Yes, people are kinda annoying and most of your job might telling people to stop having loud parties. But you usually also get cool perks like not having to pay for your dorm stay.
Or if you’d rather just be a teacher’s pet (JK lol) and help the teacher teach occasionally, you can also become a TA. It might sound boring but there’s actually so many people doing this these days. You help with office hours, you make a few powerpoints, and get paid pretty cool money.
Maybe you’re like me and you don’t wanna do more school than you have to (RIP my social life), but if you need the money, its def something worth checking out.
50. Get a paid internship
Of course, this had to be put in here. There’s really no escaping the fact that if you’re in college and expecting to have a good job when you graduate, you need to have an internship. Honestly, I made such a big mistake by putting this off.
Seriously its not fair but jobs will look to see if you have experience as soon as you apply. They expect you to already know everything and how to do the job. Not just come straight from parties and college life. If you have an internship, that will show them you’ve already worked in the field.
And internships can be cool too. Yes, some are dumb and they don’t pay you anything while treating you like crap. But there’s others that pay REALLY good money while giving you good experience you can put on your resume. You just have to look and find them!
51. Write resumes for people
Ew, one of the things I hated the most when applying for jobs was writing resumes. Ugh was the worst. I feel like I never knew what to put on it (maybe cause I barely did anything) and I felt like everyone else’s were so much better and professional.
We all know that resumes are the first thing employers look at when deciding whether they’re gonna hire you so it’s important you put out a good one. It can really be make or break. Thats why it’s obvious that people would pay good money to have people create the best one for them.
You might hate writing resumes like me but if you happen to be good at it, imagine how much money you can make writing resumes for other people who also hate it. No I’m serious lol there’s hella money in this. All you gotta do is look online to see all the people asking for this.
Here are the best sites that let you make money writing resumes for people:
52. Start a workout class with your friends
Are you athletic? Do you love going to the gym and getting your sweat on? No? Lol okay same. But if you do like working out and have that good motivational energy to help other people push through the burn, you can def turn that hobby into a profitable side hustle.
People LOVE going to workout classes these days. Whether it’s professional stuff like soul cycle or even just that local trainer at your gym. That accountability of having someone egg you on really can keep you going through a tough exercise.
But it’s also fun to workout with friends. So doesn’t it make sense that you could get together a little workout group, invite other people to join y’all (for a small fee) and make tons of good money? Yes, starting a workout class with your friends could def be a cool way to earn some cash in college. Especially if you’re good at yelling at people.
53. Participate as a juror in a mock trial
Okay I really hadn’t heard about this until recently but I’m so glad I did. This is such an interesting way to make money to me. Everyone knows about mock trials right. Basically like a fake criminal court with fake lawyers practicing fake court cases. It helps law students learn the law.
But did you know you can actually participate as a juror in some of these trials ONLINE and make hella good money for it? Yep, with sites like , they let you hop in and act as a juror for mock trials. It’s not even hard either. You literally just listen to the case and reach a verdict. But it’s all pretend. Then they pay you for it.
Idk, it sounds like such a fun way to make money to me. Being a fake juror. Lol I would honestly do it for free just for the experience.
Here are the best sites to get paid as a mock juror:
54. Give people rides with Uber or Lyft
Wow, do you love getting rides from people? I certainly do lol. It’s great when you don’t have a car to just get picked up and taken somewhere. Like a private chauffeur. But if you do have a car, you can actually turn this into a pretty decent side hustle by giving other people rides.
We’ve all heard of Uber and Lyft. Basically two rideshare companies where drivers can sign up and then get paid when they give passengers rides to different places. Some people feel like it’s a little bit sketchy. Especially if you don’t wanna random people in your car. But think about it, you can make SO much money just driving someone 5 minutes down the street to Starbucks.
Yeah if you hate driving this might not be your thing. But if you have a lot of free time (and not a lot of money), giving people quick rides on Uber can actually be the perfect side hustle for you.
55. Deliver people’s food with DoorDash or UberEats
This is kinda related to giving people rides but with UberEats, you can actually make money from picking up people’s take out food and delivering it to them. I know, sounds a bit weird. But you can think of it as like a pizza delivery guy. Only it’s typically not pizza. But every other restaurant out there haha.
People these days love being lazy and not having to go anywhere get their food. Especially now with the pandemic. But also just when they off from work people kinda just wanna relax. That’s why its so obvious that people are turning to delivery apps more and more.
You can cash in on this craze by signing up with UberEats or DoorDash to start making money just simply delivering people’s food to them whenever you have time. It doesn’t have to be a set schedule. It’s pretty flexible. And you can make some pretty decent cash.
56. Go grocery shopping for people with Instacart or Shipt
You ever just love shopping through the grocery store and looking at all the aisles? Nope? Okay lol relate. But honestly so many other people would rather skip this and just get their groceries too. Especially when its all crowded in Walmart or whatever and you don’t wanna wait in line.
Well with apps like Instacart and Shipt, you can make good money just from buying other people’s groceries for them. And no this isn’t you using your OWN money to buy them stuff. They pay up front and you just do the shopping part for them. And then they give you a tip/fee for your troubles!
These apps are growing more and more popular as more people realize just how easy it is to make a quick buck just going grocery shopping for people. If you got some time on your hands or live near a grocery store, def try this!
57. Mow your neighbors lawn
If you live in a neighborhood and you notice all the time that your neighbors’ yards are looking crusty, mowing their lawns could be a great side hustles for you. Yeah it’s not the most glamours thing. And how basic an idea is it to mow someone’s lawn. But this is a tried and true side hustle for a reason.
Of course, you have to have a lawnmower first. But if so, you can totally just ask your neighbors if they want someone to do it for them. (Most times they will say yes on site). And then you just name your price and boom start making your money in no time.
And mowing the lawn isn’t the worst thing in the world. You can even put your headphones on and listen to music while you make easy money just riding around the lawnmower like a go-cart. Sounds fun to me!
58. Babysit your neighbor’s kids
Kinda on that same logic but if you notice your neighbors have a lot of kids and the parents never get any time to themselves, you can totally offer to babysit sometime and make easy money. Yeah maybe their kids are annoying but all you really have to do is supervise while they play most times anyway.
Not everyone can be a babysitter tho. Usually parents trust people who they know are responsible. So make sure you’re doing good in school or have a stable job before you try this. But assuming you got all that covered, you can pretty much set your rights and get some nice gigs.
Imagine laying on some rich neighbors couch for an hour, “watching” the kids, and then getting paid a few hundred dollars for it when the parents come back from their date. Sounds sweet to me lol.
59. Wash your neighbor’s car
Again, look around! Your neighbors are probably crustier than you think. I’m sure you can spot a few cars in their driveway that need washing. Instead of cringing when you drive past them on your way from work everyday, why not offer to wash their car for them and make some easy money.
Washing cars is not hard. You just get a bucket with some water. Some soap. A wash cloth. And start scrubbing. You could be done in an hour. So really there’s nothing to complain about. You can even put music on while you’re doing and make it a little outside washing party.
Anyway, no this isn’t gonna make you rich, but a few extra dollars from a simple wash can go a long way.
60. Walk people’s dogs
Okay let me confess. I love dogs. Like I LOVE dogs. I could spend all day just staring at them, petting them, giving them love, playing with them lol. (Don’t judge). And everyone knows dogs need to go for walks. They need to get exercise everyday but it can also be hard sometimes to juggle that.
Thats why it’s no surprise that people that love their dogs want them to go out and play but they just don’t have time for it. So they pay other people do it. And thats where you come in! With sites like Wag, you can actually get paid to walk other people’s dogs!
I know, sounds like a dream. But its true. You could walk 5 different “good boy”s around the neighborhood and 50 dollars richer by the time you come back. What a deal! If you think you could be a good dog walker, def try this.
61. Rent out a spare room with AirBnb
Do you have a spare room in your house that you don’t use for anything? Or maybe that one room that’s only used for storage but if you take everything out suddenly its a whole extra space? Well, sure you could keep letting it go to waste OR you could rent it out with AirBnb and make money just to have other people stay in it.
I know, you may not want random people all up in your space. But come on, we’re talking about rooms you don’t use anyway right. It’s not that much trouble just to let someone stay there for a couple nights and make a cool $1,000 bucks.
And like I said, these are not permanent tenants that you’re now responsible for. It’s temporary stays for people who just want to crash close to a destination or don’t wanna stay in a hotel. They want the REAL neighborhood experience of the area. And you can give it to them.
I know people who casually do this and make way more from renting out their guest bedroom a few times a month than they do at their full time job. So this is def a profitable side hustle.
62. Get a part-time gig with Appen or Lionbridge
Are you the type of person that spends tons of times searching for random things on google? Random cat pics. Pics of food you want later tonight. Expensive houses you can’t afford. Honestly guilty for me lol. If so, you might be a great fit to get a part-time gig for Appen or Lionbridge.
Basically if you don’t know what they are, Appen and Lionbridge are small internet based companies that pay people to help make search engines better. They give people search terms and then you say whether the results that come up are helpful or not. It’s really easy and they walk you through everything.
And the best part is that it’s super flexible so you can pretty much work whenever you have time. Yeah, you probably won’t get rich doing this but you can def make a couple thousand a month if you put in the hours.
63. Housesit for people
Tbh, this is such a joke and I only know about this cause someone I used to date you used to make money doing this lol. But guys, you can actually make money.. babysitting other people’s houses! It’s called housesitting. And basically you just watch over their house while they’re off on vacation or something.
You don’t even have to do much. You just sit there all day. Maybe play video games. Watch netflix. Do whatever. And they pay you just to stay at their house while they’re gone. This is def the dream side hustle for lazy people.
Sure, you may have to look to find awesome gigs like this but they’re def out there. The person I used to date made GOOD money doing this all the time.
64. Donate your blood
Most people don’t even think about this when you consider ways to make money but donating your blood to local blood drives can actually be a really easy way to make money. I mean, think about it. It doesn’t you anything. You just show up sit in the chair, and let them poke you.
Oh, and its for a great cause. You don’t know how many lives you could be saving you just to sit in that chair for a few minutes. And then to top it off, they PAY you for it. Real legit money that you can use to go buy yourself a treat after.
And trust me, its not scary. I’ve done it before. You might have a thing with needles but if you just close your eyes.. you can focus on all the money you’re making instead lol.
65. Petsit for people
This one’s pretty similar to the babysitting one but there are tons of people out there who don’t even have kids, they just need people to watch their pets. And yea they could take them to the kennel. But some people don’t like that. They’d rather keep them in an environment they’re comfortable in.
And thats what petsitters are great for. You get to literally play with those cute dogs and watch over them while their owners are away. Think of it like a cool doggy playdate that you would love to do anyway. Or maybe they have a cat. In which case you can just sit while the cat stares you down judging you. Who knows what kinda pet they have lol.
But either way, you can def make good money petsitting for people.
66. Become a movie extra
Have you ever dreamed of being a movie star? Ever wanted to be in a front of a movie camera and show up on screen? (I think we’ve all gone through that phase.) Well, even if you don’t have the talent to become an actor, you still make money being in movies as an extra!
And I know a movie extra sounds kind lame. But if you need the money, its def something think to consider. And actually it could be cool if you’re in a decent movie. You get to dress up in the wardrobe they use. And maybe even catch a glimpse of the main star in person if they’re in the same shot as you.
No you can’t do this full time as a career (unless you’re Stan Lee) but you CAN make some good side money appearing as a film extra from time to time.
67. Sell your hair to wig shops
If you’re like me and you have a habit of growing your hair super long, selling your hair to wig shops can be a great way to make money AND an incentive for you to get a hair cut lol. Yes, long hair is great but guess what, it also grows back. It’s not gonna kill you to get a temporary hair cut and make some nice money out of it.
Most times when you cut your hair its just that. But imagine someone actually paying you for your hair. How sweet is that. I would get haircuts way more often.
Also sometimes this hair is going for a good cause as well. Maybe its to make wigs for cancer patients or other people with hair loss. Or its just for a realistic halloween costume. Who knows. Either way you can def make some money doing something as simple as cutting your hair.
68. Rent out your unused parking space
Do you have an extra parking space you don’t use? Maybe a driveway that’s just empty cause you don’t have a car. Or an extra slot in a garage that no one uses. If that sounds like you, you could def make an easy buck just renting that out to people who need parking.
Yep, seems pretty basic but with sites like JustPark, you can get paid for your driveway. And think about it. People need parking spots for all sorts of things. So you can have lots of people paying for your parking space a month. I even know people making 200-300 a month doing this so certainly worth it!
69. Become a proofreader
I think it’s so funny that this is the last entry on here. I’m sure there’s a lot of little grammar mistakes you can find scattered throughout this post here and there. But thats why it should be no surprise that you can actually make some good money proofreading stuff for people.
Pretty much anyone can do this (if you have basic grammar knowledge). But a lot of times they do require that you get like a basic certification. And that just means a simple test that can anyone can pass.
Then you just apply for a gig on a site like Fiverr or Upwork, and boom, you can start making easy money just being a grammar nazi for people haha.
Frequently Asked Questions
How To Make Money From Nothing?
Yep, I know how you feel. It’s already hard to make money but if you have nothing to start with, it can be super overwhelming. But thats why I made this post to go through a bunch of different ways to make money from nothing that pretty much anyone can do.
Hopefully through looking through all these ideas, you can see there’s tons of things you can do to make money even if you don’t have any to start with. Making money from nothing does NOT have to be hard.
I went over stuff you can do online, things you can do in college, and just stuff you can do on the side in general. Bottom line, there are LOTS of ways to make money and you def don’t have to be rich to start.
How To Make $1,000 Fast?
Okay sure, it’s cool to make money but what if you wanna make some REAL money right? These days a few extra dollars a month will not cut it for some people. Instead you might be looking for how to $1,000 fast.
Well don’t worry, if you look through this post, you’ll also see that we covered a bunch of ways to make $1,000 but also way more than that. I have things in here that can take you to millionaire status. There are so many millionaire side hustles out there that make $1,000 seem like nothing.
Bottom line, it might be kinda hard to make $1,000 itself fast overnight but there are def ways to make way more than that overtime.
How Can I Make Money Without A Job?
Again, a lot of the stuff covered in here is stuff you can do even if you don’t have a job. I listed out so many side hustles and stuff you can do on the side that does not require a full time job. Honestly if you do just a few these, you can probably make more than you would at a job anyway!
Literally I put side hustles that can earn THOUSANDS of dollars a month. In other words, you can def make money without a job and this post walks you through a bunch of ways to do that.
How To Earn Extra Money?
Lastly, if you looked through this post, I’m sure you’ll see there’s tons of ways listed to earn extra money. Everything from stuff you can do after you come home from work, to stuff you can do as a college student in between classes.
I tried to put as much stuff as I could to help you learn how to earn extra money easy and fast. Most of the stuff is stuff you can do from home too, which is even better. Anyway, I really hope you try some of these out cause you can def earn extra money and even turn these into your new full-time job!