37 Easy Passive Income Ideas For College Students

This post is all about passive income for college students.
easy passive income ideas

Hey guys, who wouldnโ€™t love to make more money? Letโ€™s face it, we need to money to do pretty much anything fun. Going out with friends. Buying cool stuff we like. Getting something to eat. And itโ€™s not always easy to get a job these days.

Plus in college you have to worry about studying and assignments and doing school work. Even if you did have a job, it would be hard to find time for it. But imagine literally making money while you sleep. Thatโ€™s called passive income and itโ€™s something everyone should start.

And I know exactly how you feel. I tried the broke life in college and itโ€™s not for me. You can barely even do anything if you donโ€™t have any money. Just sit in your dorm room and survive off ramen noodle packs. Who wants to do that? Talk about stress.

But guys it does not have to be this way. You can start making easy passive income in no time. Thatโ€™s why I made this post to go through 37 easy passive income ideas for college students to make it easy for you to start making that sweet cash even while youโ€™re sleeping! I hope you find all of these helpful and more!

This post shows you easy passive income ideas for college students.

Passive Income For College Students

1. Put your old clothes on Poshmark

Come on, we all have old clothes lying around that we donโ€™t use. Stuff we no longer like, that doesnโ€™t fit us, or just went out of style. Instead of letting those clothes go to waste, why not throw them on sites like Poshmark and make some easy passive income.

Yep, with sites like Poshmark, you can easily throw your old clothes on there and set up your own little online store. Tons of people go on there all the time to find cool clothes that are no longer sold in stores. Whenever someone buys one of your items, you can make easy passive income.

Itโ€™s so easy and you donโ€™t even have to think about it. Imagine going to sleep and then waking up to see youโ€™ve got 4 new sales. You made money while you were sleeping! Putting your clothes on Poshmark is definitely an easy passive income idea for college students.

2. Film a skill share class

If youโ€™ve got some kinda of cool skill or talent, you can easily film your own Skillshare class to teach other people how to do it and turn it into easy passive income. 

Basically if you donโ€™t know what Skillshare is, itโ€™s this site where you can learn all kinds of skills from people who know how to do them. Stuff like learning how to make cool drawings, learning how to use Microsoft Excel, and learning how to cook. People go on there all the time to learn how to do different stuff.

But what most people donโ€™t know is you can also go on there and film your own class. Just whip out your camera and film a few videos explaining how to do your skill. Break it down for people so itโ€™s easy to understand and follow. Then edit, upload, and boom you have your own skillshare class.

Then whenever people search for your skill and click on your class, youโ€™ll make easy money for it. You wonโ€™t even have to ever film another video. Just one class can make you tons of money for YEARS. Thatโ€™s easy passive income.

3. Start drop shipping with Shopify

If youโ€™re good at coming up with good branding and convincing people to buy stuff, then you could totally start drop shipping with Shopify and make some easy passive income.

If you donโ€™t know what drop shipping is, itโ€™s basically where you buy generic items from a wholesaler, add your own custom branding, and then resell them to people at a higher price. With sites like Shopify, you can easily set up your own online store and start doing this in minutes!

The key to good drop shipping is making your custom branding good enough that people would wanna buy it. You need to be able to market a $5 tooth brush into something people would want to spend $15 on.

Once you get it set up, itโ€™s easy passive income that you donโ€™t even have to think about. You could just be sitting there in your dorm doing homework as random sales come through on your Shopify store.

4. Self-publish ebooks on Kindle

Ever wanted to create your own book? Become a published author? Well believe it or not, you can do that without even getting published by SELF publishing ebooks on Kindle and turn it into easy passive income.

Most people know Kindle already as an app where you can buy ebooks. People get ebooks on there all the time and itโ€™s so convenient to just read on your Kindle or your iPad. But you can also self publish your own books on there as well.

Just write something other people wanna read. Choose a genre like fiction, self-help, or fantasy. And then write ebooks that you yourself would wanna read. Maybe even make it a series so people get hooked.

Then just self publish it on Kindle. And whenever someone stumbles across your book and buys it, thats easy passive income you just made. Imagine if only 2 people buy your book each month. Thats an extra $10 you made from doing absolutely nothing!

5. Rent your spare room on AirBnb

Have a spare room you donโ€™t use for anything else? Maybe that extra guest room that no one uses cause you donโ€™t have friends? If so, you could easily turn that into easy passive income by renting it out on AirBnb.

If you donโ€™t know what AirBnb is, itโ€™s basically this app where you can rent your room (or even your whole house) to random people who wanna stay there for a few days. People get AirBnbs for all sorts of things. Mostly cause its more casual than staying at a hotel and they can be near convenient locations.

Especially if you live near some major attraction like a stadium or live near a city, you can def rack up a few HUNDRED dollars a month in easy passive income. You donโ€™t even have to do any work. Just let people stay in that room you donโ€™t use anyway and get paid.

6. Sell your art on Redbubble or DeviantArt

If you love making cool art on the side or have some old drawings you did as a kid, you can put them up on Redbubble and start making easy passive income.

With sites like Redbubble and DeviantArt, you can throw your old drawings or sketches up online and make money whenever someone comes along and buys them. People put all kinds of things on there. Designs for coffee mugs, shirts, merchandise. 

You can honestly make some cool art today and put it up there. Of course, thereโ€™s no guarantees someone will buy it. You need to make something creative that other people would like. Just think about what kinda art design you would like to purchase. Then whenever someone buys it, you can make easy passive income!

7. Start a youtube channel

If you have some extra time in college between classes and know how to entertain people, starting your own YouTube channel could be an easy passive income idea.

Everyone thinks starting a youtube channel is hard. And true you have to put some work in. But really anyone can make a channel and it doesnโ€™t have to take that long. You can make videos about pretty much anything. Beauty, technology, vlogs.

You can even just start a youtube channel doing reaction videos. How easy would that be to just sit there, record yourself reacting to random stuff you would watch anyway, and make easy passive come from it! Itโ€™s literally the perfect way to make passive income.

8. Invest in dividend stocks

If you have a little bit of extra cash sitting around each month, using it to invest in dividend stocks could be a great way to make easy passive income.

Basically, if you donโ€™t know what dividend stocks are, theyโ€™re like normal stocks except they will pay you back a portion of their profits during a certain period. Instead of just making money as the company grows, you will literally get paid extra money from the companyโ€™s own profits!

Thereโ€™s tons of different dividend stocks out there and different ones pay different amounts of dividends. Usually itโ€™s only gonna be like a small amount per share. But if you own enough shares, that cash flow can add up real quick. 

Imagine literally sitting back on a beach making $5,000+ a month without even doing anything just from a few of your dividend stocks. Thatโ€™s easy passive income. 

9. Create a niche website & add display ads

Ever thought about having your own website? If you got have some time to put it together in college, creating a niche site and putting display ads on it could be a great way to make some easy passive income. 

If you donโ€™t know what a niche site is, itโ€™s basically a website focused on one specific topic and gives people a ton of information on just that topic. Sites like that can get popular cause people trust them to know everything about that one topic.

And donโ€™t worry, this is not as hard as it seems. There are tons of sites out there now that let you make a website super easy and fast. The hard part is just getting enough people on there to make money through ads. Once you do though, you could literally have your site running on background and make money even when you sleep. 

If you wanna learn more about starting a niche site to make money, check out my post on how to start a blog that makes you rich. I go through all the tips I used to start my own blog so you can set up yours easy and fast.

10. Set up an online store with Amazon FBA

Ever thought about selling your own stuff on Amazon? Making your own product and having people buy it? If so, you may wanna try selling your own custom products with Amazon FBA and turn it into easy passive income.

Everyone already knows what Amazon is. You go on there and buy all sorts of things online. You can find pretty much anything on Amazon. But most people donโ€™t realize that you can also sell your own stuff on Amazon too through Amazon FBA.

Itโ€™s not even that hard either. Just come up with a product you think other people would wanna buy. Maybe a cute beauty item or something. Put it on your store and Amazon will handle all the shipping etc. Then whenever someone buys one from you thats easy passive income.

11. Put your old junk on eBay

Letโ€™s be real. We all have tons of old junk lying around we donโ€™t use. Maybe old devices or furniture or even . Instead of letting that sit around clogging up your garage, why not put that on eBay and make easy passive income.

Yep, with sites like eBay, itโ€™s super easy to just throw your old junk on there and sell it to random people who wanna buy it. You can even have a bidding auction where a bunch of people bid prices and whoever bids the highest, gets your item. 

You can do this on autopilot too. Just throw your stuff on there and forget about it. Whenever a sell comes in (maybe while youโ€™re sleeping), thatโ€™s easy passive income you just made.

12. Use a workout app to get paid for walking

This one may sound a little crazy but trust me its real. Believe it or not, you can actually get paid real money just to walk around and earn easy passive income.

Yep, with apps like Sweatcoin and Achievement, you can literally walk around campus. Maybe going to class. Going out to the dining hall with your friends. Or even walking around your dorm room. And get paid easy passive income just from the exercise.

It sounds pretty crazy but they will pay you money cause they want you to view the ads on their app. Or sign up for their bonus subscriptions. You donโ€™t even have to think about this one. Any time you go anywhere you could be making easy passive income.

13. Invest in start up companies

If you have a few extra dollars lying around each month that youโ€™re not using, you may wanna try throwing into some start up companies and maybe make some easy passive income.

If you donโ€™t know what start up companies are, theyโ€™re basically brand new companies that are just getting started. They donโ€™t have much funding cause they havenโ€™t really got off the ground yet. They need people like you to invest in them so they can prosper and start growing.

If you pick the right company (maybe a future Apple or Google), that little bit of money you invested could turn into some serious easy passive income down the road. Of course, no guarantees. But if you have that extra cash, why not take a chance to earn easy money later on!

Here are the best sites to invest in start up companies:

14. Sell printables & crafts on Etsy

If youโ€™re good at coming up with cool little worksheets and know how to teach people stuff, selling digital files and printables on Etsy could be a quick way for you to make some easy passive income.

Everyone knows Etsy is this place where you can buy and sell handmade items and crafts. Lots of people buy cute little decor items and stuff. But most people donโ€™t know that you can also buy and sell printables on there too.

Printables are basically worksheets that make it easy for someone to do something. You can have printables for all sorts of things. Budgeting, checklists, calendars. They just make it easy for people to stay organized and keep track of things. Youโ€™d be surprised just how many people buy printables on Etsy.

If you put good printables on your Etsy store that you think other people would like, you can make easy passive income whenever someone buys one. Make them cheap so itโ€™s not ridiculous. Maybe just a few cents. You could easily have a few sales a week!

15. Get your friends to buy stuff with promo links

Do you like recommending cool stuff to your friends? New clothes or things you think they would like? If so, you could share links from sites like Rakuten on your Instagram and make easy passive income whenever one buys something from there.

If you donโ€™t know what Rakuten is, itโ€™s basically this site where you can refer people to buy different kinds of products. They have all types of stuff on there. Groceries, electronics, clothes.

Then you can just post the link on your social media. Maybe an instagram post or something. And if someone clicks on your link and buys something from Rakuten, then boom you easily make $30. If you have a bunch of followers (and 1 out of every 200 buys something), you can easily see how this could add up real fast.

You can also just go on Rakuten even without referring people. And you will make cashback whenever you buy something. Itโ€™s super easy and if youโ€™re gonna buy stuff anyway, you might as well get that cashback. This is a great way to make easy passive income that most people donโ€™t even know about.

Here are the best sites to find promo links:

16. Create an online course w/ Teachable

If you know how to do something cool or have an interesting skill, you could try teaching other people how to do it and create your own course with Teachable to make some easy passive income.

With sites like Teachable, you can easily create your own online course and make easy lessons to show people how to do something. Itโ€™s not even that hard either. Just think about something youโ€™re good at. And then break it down so its really simple for other people to do as well.

You may be surprised but people on here can make hundreds of thousands of dollars just from one course. You can set this up once and have easy passive income for years!

17. Use Wrapify to monetize your car w/ ads

As long as you have your own car, this could def be a way to make easy passive income for college students.

With sites like Wrapify, you can sign up to have your car wrapped with a bunch of different ads. These will be ads from all different types of companies. The more ads you put on, the more money you can make. Basically like a driving billboard.

Yes of course it can look ugly to have a bunch of ads all over your car but thatโ€™s why youโ€™re getting paid for it. And if you donโ€™t drive that much anyway, this could be worth it for you. Imagine an extra 200 a month just from having ads on your car.

18. Post your own songs on Spotify

If you love singing in the shower and coming up with your own catchy lyrics, this could def be an easy passive income idea for you to try.

Most people already know Spotify as this huge streaming app where you stream all your favorite songs. But believe it or not, you can actually post your own songs on there as well. 

Just come up with something catchy that you know other people would like to listen to. Maybe share it with your friends, add in some autotune if you need it. Then post it Spotify and Soundcloud and whenever someone streams it, you make easy passive income.

19. Buy bonds

If youโ€™re one of those people who has cash lying around and you donโ€™t wanna put it in stocks, you can try putting it in bonds. This is def an easy passive income idea for college students.

If you donโ€™t know what bonds are, theyโ€™re basically an investment product where you give a company (or government) money now in exchange that they pay you your money back later plus interest. Itโ€™s a way less risky type of investment than stocks. 

With stocks, you literally own a piece of the company. So if the company goes down in value, so does your stock. With bonds, itโ€™s just a promise. That company (or government) has a debt to pay to you after a certain period of time, and itโ€™s way more reliable for a huge company to keep their promise to pay you back.

People think bonds are scary but as you can see theyโ€™re really not at all. And theyโ€™re a great way to make easy passive income in college if you donโ€™t have that much time to set anything else up. Just throw a couple hundred in a bond. Hold. And boom, after 5 or so years, you just made easy passive income. 

You literally did nothing but let your money sit somewhere. But you MADE money over time. Thatโ€™s passive income.

20. Get paid to have your phone data tracked

Honestly I donโ€™t recommend this cause Iโ€™m all about privacy. But if you donโ€™t care about being spied on, you can get paid easy passive income just to have an app that tracks your phone data.

Yep, with apps like MobileXpression, you can get paid real money just to have your phone data tracked. What kinda stuff youโ€™re watching, how long you spend on apps, what apps you download. Yes, its creepy so I donโ€™t recommend it but if you have nothing to hide, this could be an easy passive income idea for you.

No, you wonโ€™t become a millionaire from this but you can easily make a few extra bucks just to have an app downloaded on your phone.

21. Use reward sites to earn money when you shop online

If you shop all the time like me, then using simple reward sites on your computer can be an easy way to earn passive income. 

Think about it. You probably shop online for random stuff all the time. Buying new clothes, getting stuff for your apartment, buying supplies for school. Believe it or not, you can actually spend money on that stuff and MAKE money at the same time.

With sites like Honey, you can earn rewards and cashback just for making purchases online. That top you got from an online store. That pair of sunglasses you ordered. You can earn real money just for buying those if you have Honey. 

No this isnโ€™t gonna be a ton of money but if you were planning on spending it anyway, why not make a few dollars back with easy passive income!

22. Sell custom t-shirt designs with Teespring

Have you ever wanted to have your own clothing line? Make cute designs and have people wear them? (Just me lol.) Well, believe it or not, you can actually do this and turn it into nice easy passive income to make money.

With sites like Teespring, you can set up your own online store, come up with custom t-shirt designs, and get paid easy passive income whenever someone buys one. Theres tons of people that go on there just to buy shirts from other people.

Really you just need to pick a cool shirt design that stands out so people will wanna buy it. Think about something you yourself would wanna wear. If you pick the right thing, it could blow up and your shirts could literally sell themselves while youโ€™re sleeping.

23. Invest in REITs (invest in real estate without owning real estate)

If youโ€™ve ever wanted to get into real estate but donโ€™t have the money to actually buy real estate yet, investing in a REIT could be a nice alternative option for you.

Basically REITs are an investment product that lets you throw your money into real estate without actually buying a property. REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust. So youโ€™re basically just investing in the whole real estate market.

Of course, this isnโ€™t as good as investing in your own real estate property itself. But if you have some extra cash, you can def turn that into nice easy passive income picking out a good below market value deal!

24. Use a cashback credit card to pay your bills

If you have a credit card that gives you cash back, then using it to pay off stuff that gives you rewards can be a great way to make easy passive income.

Think about all the stuff you would be buying anyway. Gas, travel expenses, groceries. All that is stuff you already need to buy but thereโ€™s also things that you can get cashback back for with your credit card.

If you just use your credit to buy these things instead of your debit card, then you could easily be making a few extra dollars every time just from buying stuff you were already gonna buy anyway. It may not be much at first, but over an entire year, this can def add up to a lot. Thats easy passive income!

25. Sell your photos to stock websites (get paid whenever your photo is bought/used)

If youโ€™re someone who takes a ton of pictures all the time. Maybe with your phone when youโ€™re out with friends, pics of your food, shots on trips. Then you can totally take those and sell them online to stock photo websites and make easy passive income.

This isnโ€™t even hard either. With sites like Shutterstock, you can easily upload your pics and make money whenever someone buys one. And people need stock photos for all sorts of things. Business campaigns, non profit advertisements, personal projects.

You may be surprised but there will be tons of people who would love to use your basic boring photos. And thats so much better than just letting them sit in your camera roll right? Get paid easy passive income instead!

26. Create your own paid app

This one may sound hard but you honestly donโ€™t even need to know how to code. As long as you have a cool idea for an app, you can totally create your own paid app online and turn it into easy passive income.

With sites like AppMachine, you can make your own app without even writing a single line of code. It has a drag and drop interface where you just drag and drop the different elements of your app together. Imagine literally spending a weekend just making your own app super simple and fast.

The key here is really just coming up with an idea for an app that other people want. Maybe a fun game people can play while they wait in line. An app that helps other college students study better. Honestly anything. Just make something you yourself would wanna download.

And trust me, this is not that hard. You can def do this even if you donโ€™t know how to code. You just need to come up with something other people would want. Then boom, you can make easy passive income whenever someone downloads your app.

27. Rent out your parking space w/ Just Park

For this one you kinda need to have your own parking space. (Hard to do in college if you just have a dorm). But if you have your own parking space, you can easily turn that into nice passive income renting it out to people who need it.

With apps like JustPark, you can make easy passive income just renting out your parking space to people. Of course, this would need to be a parking space you donโ€™t use. But then just list it on the app and whenever someone uses your parking space, youโ€™ll make easy money.

This is def a way to make good passive income cause you donโ€™t even have to do anything. Just sit there and get paid as people use your parking space. No you wonโ€™t become rich but you can def make an extra $300 a month! 

28. Put your money in a high yield savings account

This oneโ€™s super simple and most people donโ€™t realize it, but you can easily turn money you already have into easy passive income by just putting it into a high yield savings account.

Yep, this is one of the easiest ways to make passive income that doesnโ€™t really require you to do anything. If you donโ€™t know what a high yield savings account is, itโ€™s basically like a normal savings account but the interest rate is WAY higher. 

You can literally throw your money in there, do nothing, and get lots of money in interest just from keeping it there. If youโ€™re too scared to put your money in stocks, this can be a great way to let it still grow. (Also this is where I recommend putting your emergency fund money).

Even if you only have a few hundred or thousand dollars in there, you can still get a few extra dollars a month (when interest rates are good) which means you wonโ€™t be LOSING money due to inflation.

29. Use a robo investor app

Most people do not know about this but throwing your money into a robo investor app is one of the best ways to make easy passive income.

Basically if you donโ€™t know what a robo investor app is, itโ€™s basically an app that takes your money and automatically invests it into a bunch of different index funds to make you even more money. You donโ€™t even have to know anything abiout investing. It will do all of that for you.

For people who donโ€™t know how to invest, this is the perfect app that will invest your money for you. Also you donโ€™t have to think about investing either cause they have a feature where it will automatically take money out of your checking account to invest if you want too.

Imagine getting this app, then checking randomly after a few years and realizing your money grew 10 or 20X! And you didnโ€™t even have to do anything. Yep, using a robo investor app is def a good way to make easy passive income!

Here are the best robo investor apps to make easy passive income:

30. Buy a good NFT

It seems like everyoneโ€™s getting into NFTs these days. And yes theyโ€™re a little risky. But if you find a good one, buying a good NFT can be a great way to make easy passive income.

Basically, if you donโ€™t know what an NFT is, it stands for non-fungible token. Imagine selling a picture of an inside joke with your friends for $500. These days its turned into a meme and you have tons of people turning random dumb stuff into NFTs just for fun.

Of course, not all NFTs are gonna be worth something. But if you happen to pick a good one that will actually go UP in value over time (not down) then this could def be a way to make some easy passive income.

31. Start a Twitch channel (subs)

If you like playing video games and think you can entertain people for a while, then starting your own Twitch channel might be a great way to make easy passive income for you.

Twitch is basically this site where people can watch other streamers play video games live on broadcast for hours. You have all kinds of different twitch channels on there covering all sorts of different games. But you can also make your own Twitch channel and stream yourself playing games too.

Most people donโ€™t realize this but you can make tons of money playing video games on Twitch. Top earners on here are making 7-8 figures a YEAR! Yes, you can make money through ads but you can also make money by having subscribers.

Unlike youtube, Twitch subscriptions arenโ€™t free. Typically theyโ€™re around $5 a month so when someone subscribes to you on Twitch, thatโ€™s 5 dollars of easy passive income you just made.. every month. Imagine having just 100 loyal subscribers, thatโ€™s $500 passive income every month!

32. Invest in index funds

Do you have extra cash lying around each month? Maybe money just sitting in your bank account that you donโ€™t use? If so, then a great way to turn that into even more cash is putting it into index funds.

Basically if you donโ€™t know what index funds are, theyโ€™re kinda like stocks but really theyโ€™re a whole collection of stocks. Instead of just buying Walmart, it would be like buying a part of all the grocery stores in the country.

Index funds are less risky to invest in that individual stocks because theyโ€™re made up of so many different ones. Even if one company does poorly one year, there will be tons of others that do good so the index fund will still perform well. 

If you have some extra cash, throwing into index funds like the SP500 (which covers the WHOLE market) is a great way to make easy passive income. On average you will make 7-8% return on your investment per year! Without even doing anything.

33. Buy collectible items

This one may sound kinda dumb but there are some collectible items out there that if you buy them now could be worth way more in the future. 

Think about it. Things like rare pokemon cards, handbags, or memorabilia may sound boring to you. But there are tons of people who would love to buy them. And if you just snatch them up now while you can, you can sell them off later for 10X the price.

Theres lots of different kinds and efferent ones will sell for different prices. But you can def find something now that you can afford that will be worth way more in the future. Try to think about things that will go out of stock etc. 

If you pick the right thing, thatโ€™s easy passive income over time just from buying one item.

34. Invest in CDs

If you have some extra cash lying around, investing it in CDs could be a great way to make easy passive income. And no Iโ€™m not talking about disk CDs that you play music on haha.

Basically if you donโ€™t know what CDs are, theyโ€™re a type of investment product at banks called Certficate of Deposits. They make it really easy for you to . You just put your money in, agree to keep it there for a set number of years, and then make guaranteed interest on it based on that promise.

Once it gets to the end of that period, you can take it out and youโ€™ll have all that extra money you earned on top of it. Banks do this because they need to have cash guaranteed to them. Itโ€™s a win win cause you get to earn interest and they get to know they have money available.

You really should only put money in CDs that you donโ€™t need any time soon. Since usually those periods are anywhere from 5-15 years. But as long as you keep it in there, this can be great way to make easy passive income!

35. Create a GoFundMe or Kickstarter campaign

If you have some sort of business idea or need donations for a good cause, creating a GoFundMe or Kickstarter campaign can be a fast way to make easy passive income.

We all know what GoFundMe is. Itโ€™s basically the site everyone uses to do online fundraisers now a days. You can go on there and donate to other peopleโ€™s causes. But itโ€™s also great if you need to raise money yourself.

Kickstarter is kinda similar but itโ€™s more for business ventures. Like if you have an idea for a new company and you wanna raise some money for it. That type of thing. GoFundMe is more personal.

These online fundraisers are great cause you make easy money just from other people donating to you. But you should only do this if you have a legit cause. You cannot go on here and just scam people. 

36. Invest in crypto

Have some side cash youโ€™re not using for anything else? Maybe a couple hundred you were just planning on saving. Instead of just holding on to it, why not invest it into crypto currencies and make easy passive income?

If you donโ€™t know what crypto is, itโ€™s basically another kind of investment like stocks. People buy crypto like bitcoin and make money as they go up in value. The thing about crypto is theyโ€™re super unpredictable though so its better to pick one thats more stable like Bitcoin.

No you may not get rich off of this but if you have some extra cash in college and throw it in, you can def make an extra few dollars in easy passive income with bitcoin. 

Here are the best apps to invest in crypto:

37. Loan your extra money to people & charge interest (peer to peer lending)

If youโ€™re someone who has extra money and donโ€™t mind loaning it out to random strangers, you can totally loan it out to people online and make money from charging interest.

Yep, sounds a little crazy, but with sites like Peerform, you can connect with people who need money to do all sorts of things. You just give them some money now upfront in exchange that they pay it back to you later PLUS interest.

This is so easy to do if you have extra cash lying around. Sure itโ€™s a little risky cause you donโ€™t know these people. But most times they get vetted and when they do eventually pay you back, you get all your money back PLUS interest! Thats easy passive income.

Here are the best sites to get paid for peer-to-peer lending:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some easy passive income ideas for college students?

Haha you might wanna check out this post first. I really tried to go through and list all the best passive income ideas for college students. 

But just to go over some, we talked about online passive income ideas for college students like setting up an online store. But then we also went over offline stuff like throwing your money into certain investment accounts. Thereโ€™s really easy passive income ideas for anyone in here.

You just need to think about what youโ€™re interested in, how much money you wanna make from passive income, and how much effort youโ€™re willing to put in. You can def make easy passive income in college super fast. Itโ€™s up to you!

Where can I find easy passive income ideas for college students?

Honestly you can find easy passive income ideas for college students lots of places. Online, on-campus, from your roommate. It just depends on what you wanna do.

You can def find tons of the best passive income ideas for college students here on this post though. I really tried to go through and show you all the best ones that you can set up fast and start making money fast!

We talk about online passive income ideas, stuff you can do on-campus, and even stuff that you can do offline. Youโ€™ll see passive income ideas that take a long time to set up and then ones that you can set up all in one day. It just depends on what you want.

What are the most popular easy passive income ideas for college students?

This is kind of a hard question cause this depends on what your interests are, how much free time you have in college, and how much money you wanna make. 

Thereโ€™s lots of easy online passive income ideas for college students you can choose from. And we talked about a bunch of them earlier. Things like selling your clothes on poshmark, putting your art on redbubble, or writing an ebook. 

But you can also try ones that arenโ€™t really online like buying collectible items (that will be worth more in the future), or putting your money in investment products.

It really depends on you and how much money you wanna make. Some of the most popular easy passive income ideas for college students are def the ones you can do online. And theyโ€™re also the easiest ones to set up.

You should think about what youโ€™re interested in and how much free time you have. If you have a bunch of time on your hands, you can choose one that may take longer to set up but will make you more passive income in the long run. But if you donโ€™t have that much time, you can choose a quicker that will make you a little less passive income.

But again, it just depends! Look through this list. Look through this list. Iโ€™m sure you will find something you like. There are tons of easy passive income ideas for college students!

Why should college students want to make easy passive income?

College students should want to make easy passive income because it can completely change your life. Imagine not having to stress over affording food, not having to scrape together dollars to pay for textbooks, actually being able to go out with your friends on the weekend.

It can be so hard in college to even find time to get a job. Even if you CAN get a job. (And we all know how hard that is). Having passive income means you wonโ€™t have to be stressed with any of that. 

Passive income is basically where you can make money without putting in active work to make it. You do the work up front and then you can pretty much make money while you sleep. Like if you start an online store that does well and then while youโ€™re sleeping, someone buys a product. Boom, you made money (while you slept) and it just kinda makes you money in the background!

I kinda go over this more in the next few answers but making passive income in college will give you way more time back to actually study and focus on your school work. But youโ€™ll also have so much extra money to do the things you like and not stress! It may even become your future job.

What are the benefits of making easy passive income for college students?

Thereโ€™s so many benefits that come with making easy passive income for college students. Passive income means you can literally earn money while you sleep. No more trying to juggle a stressful job with also trying to get to class on time.

Youโ€™ll have way more time to actually focus on your school. Which is what you should be doing in college anyway. But because you get passive income, youโ€™ll also be able to have extra money to pay for stuff you need. You can also have more money to go out with friends on the weekends!

Thereโ€™s literally so many good benefits like that. And thereโ€™s so many easy way to make passive income in college that people just donโ€™t even think about.

When you have passive income, you also donโ€™t have to worry about not having a job in college either. You can make money while you sleep. Which means youโ€™ll have tons more time to actually focus on your studies. 

What are the cons of making passive income for college students?

Thereโ€™s not really that many cons to making passive income for college students. Like I said, thereโ€™s so many good benefits. But if I had to pick one con, Iโ€™d say that passive income ideas tend to take longer to set up than other ways. 

Usually when you think about making passive income, you have to first put in time to set it up. You donโ€™t just start making money in your sleep out of nowhere. You have to set up a business. Or set up an investment account etc. 

If youโ€™re someone who already doesnโ€™t have much time in college, that can be kind of a hassle to set up. But honestly thereโ€™s so many easy ways to make passive in college that you should def be able to find something that works.

How much can easy passive income ideas for college students make?

Thereโ€™s really no limit to how much you can make from easy passive income ideas for college students. It really just depends on what you choose and how much you put into it. Like anything. 

I will say that if you pick something scalable. Like one of the online passive income ideas for college students we talked about. Then you can def turn that into some serious cash. But even the on-campus passive income ideas for college students can make tons of money too.

Really the key is just to put the effort in. When you have a scalable business, itโ€™s way more about the effort you put in more than anything. But you can def turn one of these passive income ideas for college students into your new full time job. Or even a career!

This post was all about passive income for college students.

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